Monday, October 17, 2011

a route to take to New Zealand we have 3 weeks holiday to take in Nov and want to see as much as possible?

We leave from Edinburgh or Glasgow and would like to spend 1 week in New Zealand and visit somewhere else on the journey out and the same on the return journey
a route to take to New Zealand we have 3 weeks holiday to take in Nov and want to see as much as possible?
You can try stopping over in Singapore on your way down to NZ, spend some time in a multi-racial country and enjoy the zoo and bird park. These places are world standard. From here, you probably need more than a week in NZ to see the sights. There are quite a fair bit of distances between places.
On your return leg, do a stop in Bangkok and go sightseeing in a nice land. Different culture and lots of sights in the city. Try their delicious Thai food. And not to forget shopping. Weather is getting cool so it will not be too warm to walk around the flea market and night market and shopping mall.
a route to take to New Zealand we have 3 weeks holiday to take in Nov and want to see as much as possible?
You may stop-over in Singapore, but don't fall into the trap by trying 'to see as much as possible' First you need to get acclimatised and you won't do that in 3 weeks. Take things steady, drink more fluids than you're used to (I don't mean beer or liquor). You may find you will have to have a holiday for rest and recuperation when you return. Have a nice trip.
You may stop-over in Singapore, but don't fall into the trap by trying 'to see as much as possible' First you need to get acclimatised and you won't do that in 3 weeks. Take things steady, drink more fluids than you're used to (I don't mean beer or liquor). You may find you will have to have a holiday for rest and recuperation when you return. Have a nice trip.

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