Friday, September 16, 2011

A friend told me there are tons of gorgeous single guys in australia and I should go on vacation there. true?

What else is there to do there? hows the bar scene? beaches? weather?
A friend told me there are tons of gorgeous single guys in australia and I should go on vacation there. true?
Yes, Australia has many virile men.
Caution: They're top three priorities are:
1. Drink Beer with their male friends (Mates)
2. Get into a fight
3. Go home and have sex.

I held a door open for an Australian girl, she immediately assumed I was American.and gave me her phone number.
A friend told me there are tons of gorgeous single guys in australia and I should go on vacation there. true?
That's Alaska, not Australia.

But Australia has excellent surfing and there's the Great Barrier Reef to dive on, and plenty of bars etc.
That's Alaska, not Australia.

But Australia has excellent surfing and there's the Great Barrier Reef to dive on, and plenty of bars etc.
Try to believe her or him, whatever,. I guess.
there is 1 less gorgeous single guys in Australia now i got married but there is quiet a few of them left & not all of them drink nonstop & shag anytink that moves most are good blokes
Aussie blokes are among the most genuine guys around and yep there are alot of single guys down this way, I am always being asked to try and set them up with girls. They arnt just after a shag either, genuinely want a companion. Come on down and snag a lovin aussie.
go on a tour thru Europe.

much more different styles of men to meet.

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