Ameicans or English. Which do Aussies wish they were?? Americans. Why else would they spend so much time listening to American music and watching American tv? Ameicans or English. Which do Aussies wish they were?? I don't know but i could sure use a Foster's right now. Wild guess,English,didn't they settle there?
I don't know but i could sure use a Foster's right now. Wild guess,English,didn't they settle there?
neither because they are just like canadians: they cant stand both so they'll stay right where they are where the smart people live
pulease geoff, american so we can execute people start wars, bop to crap rap, lose a decent welfare system, become materialistic and pretentious, nah don't think so mate.
last i checked most australians were of english heritage der brain!! but to be a pom now, lose our culture, personality and climate, nah don't think so either. are you an aussie? if you are then get out you are being silly! If you're not then stay where you are and keep thinking stupid things. I would say you are american, only americans are that ethnocentric and arrogant.
Neither, I'm a proud Australian, warts and all.
become a yank or a pommy I DONT THINK SO
I'm an Aussie and I'd never want to change that or wish to be something else, why would you when everyone else wishes they were an Aussie
id go to america why go to a country that didnt want us, that dumped us of here like a bag of kittens
Why would anyone wish to be anything other than what they are ??
I'm an Aussie too, you should have included Irish in your question, coz I would maybe like to have their accent rather than the American or English accents. No offence to anyone.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Ameicans or English. Which do Aussies wish they were??
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