Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"" just published the wrong answer to a question. Is "" a crock?

Tanagila45 asked, "What is the Capitol of Australia?", and picked the best answer as, "canabera", which was wrong. Tanagila45 meant the Capital of course and it's Canberra, of course. A simple question which would require very little effort on Tanagila45's part to find the answer.
"" just published the wrong answer to a question. Is "" a crock?
It's actually the fault of the person who asked the question and chose that response as the best answer. I don't think Yahoo can be responsible for correcting every dumb person on this site. That job would require more effort than is humanly possible, I would expect. I agree that it is annoying when stupid or wrong answers are chosen as the best when clearly there are more deserving responses. I also hate it when someone answers the question wrong and I answer correctly then the person before me comes back clicks edit and then copies what I wrote. That is somewhat unrelated to this so I will just be quiet now, I just felt like a bit of a rant.
"" just published the wrong answer to a question. Is "" a crock?
i think so but im too addicted to answering other peoples stupid questions to give a damn
i think so but im too addicted to answering other peoples stupid questions to give a damn
That's the power of user contributed content. You get so much great questions and answers and then there are some poor ones like you highlighted.

We are better off with the service than without it though.

The ratings system is designed to highlight poor Q&A as well. If you think it is a poor answer you can rate it as such - I just did!

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